Wise WordPress Websites – Reducing your website angst!

Wise WordPress WebsitesDo themes and widgets raise your blood pressure? Does the mention of plugins, updates and organising hosting make you want to abandon the internet altogether? You certainly aren’t the only one! Once upon a time I felt much the same, however being as determined as I am, I spent a lot of time conquering the beast that is WordPress and nowadays we get on just fine.

What this means for you is that I have the skills to get your website up and running. I also offer affordable aftercare which helps you maintain your shiny new website via my dedicated Wise WordPress Websites (WWW.) package. Working with clients on creating a new website is the same as building a tool that they can use to help make their business succeed.

Do you need me to tame the WordPress dragon for you so that you can get on with growing your business?

Here’s a quick list – if these points have you nodding your head then my WWW. package could be exactly what you’ve been looking for:

  • You have a budget for your website which is more easily counted in hundreds than thousands
  • You want a website that offers a professional-looking base for your business
  • Help with hosting and maintenance is of interest to you
  • Your business is a start-up or you need a fresh look that is in line with your branding
  • You want to keep your current domain name address or you need help looking for one suitable for your new venture
  • You may need e-mail addresses based on your domain name
  • You may need help producing website content for your new or refreshed website

Mobile responsiveHave a look at my own Business Owl website to view the type of website that you might expect. These aren’t fancy bells and whistles websites. These aren’t websites that speak to your clients for you and then come home and cook your tea. I offer clean, clear, attractive and professional websites that will help you take your business to the next level without breaking the bank. They are also mobile responsive, meaning that they look equally great when viewed on a mobile phone and laptop – a must-have these days.

Is it worth bothering with a website at all, some might ask?

Yes! Your website is the one corner of the internet that is all yours and that you control. Social media is great for targeting customers, building a reputation and connecting on a personal level with your customers and/or service users. However social media posts are quickly pushed down a timeline. Should Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any of the popular platforms change (they like to do this) or suffer a social media outage or hack, your business could suffer if you rely on social media awareness alone.

A website is the one place that is always there, may always be found and is controlled by you. Share your products or service, share your messages and announcements and offer regular valuable content for your clients. Your website is your business card and the best place for anyone to find you and see what you offer.

My passion projects

LaptopAs a Virtual Assistant I offer a wide range of services, however I have a passion for WordPress websites and over the years have built several for myself and for clients, such as ALFMA and MLD Events. These are not custom-made websites with intense coding going on in the background – I’m honestly not that much of a geek! I use a format which I’ve lovingly honed and refined. It can be tailored to fit your business and branding – adding/removing sections, uploading content (text, images, videos, podcasts etc), publishing blogs, showcasing testimonials and more. These are not e-commerce websites, these are individual websites more suited to service providers, consultancies, charities and small businesses not requiring a working shop application.

WordPress help is at hand

I’m a Business Owl, not a tiger, so contact me to discover why my WWW. package is the wise choice for your business. I won’t bite, I promise. To discuss your specific requirements, please get in touch at jen@businessowl.co.uk or on 07970 955535.